WIP: This component is still looking for more testers and some feedback.
A date picker with accessibility baked in.
- Manages ARIA roles, labels, and attributes.
- Manages focus ring and traps focus within calendar.
- Provides keyboard navigation support (see below).
- Supports passing in min and max date props.
Keyboard navigation:
Key | Action |
Enter/Spacebar | Select the currently focused date and hide the calendar. |
Right | Move to next day. |
Left | Move to previous day. |
Down | Move to next week. |
Up | Move to previous week. |
Home | Move to beginning of week. |
End | Move to beginning of week. |
PageUp | Move to previous month. |
Shift + PageUp | Move to previous year. |
PageDown | Move to next month. |
Shift + PageDown | Move to next year. |
Esc | Hide the calendar without selecting a date. |
NOTE: I would probably recommend using the browser's built in date picker (<input type="date">
) because it's simpler, consistent across website, and it's less code. However, it does not support custom styling.
Default Example
<template> <VDate /> </template>
<template> <div> Selected Date: {{ date }} <VDate v-model="date" /> </div> </template> <script> export default { data: () => ({ date: new Date(), }), }; </script>
Selected Date: Thu Mar 13 2025 15:29:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Custom Toggle
<template> <VDate> <template #default="{ bind, on }"> <button v-bind="bind" v-on="on"> Calendar! </button> </template> </VDate> </template>
Min and Max
<template> <VDate date="Nov 3, 2020" min="Nov 2, 2020" max="Nov 4, 2020" /> </template>
<template> <VDate :days-of-week="daysOfWeek" :month-labels="monthLabels" :button-labels="buttonLabels" /> </template> <script> export default { data: () => ({ daysOfWeek: Object.freeze({ Dim: 'Dimanche', Lun: 'Lundi', Mar: 'Mardi', Mer: 'Mercredi', Jeu: 'Jeudi', Ven: 'Vendredi', Sam: 'Samedi', }), monthLabels: [ 'Janvier', 'Février', 'Mars', 'Avril', 'Mai', 'Juin', 'Juillet', 'Août', 'Septembre', 'Octobre', 'Novembre', 'Décembre', ], buttonLabels: Object.freeze({ selectDate: 'Sélectionner la date', showCalendar: 'montrer le calendrier', previousMonth: 'mois précédent', nextMonth: 'mois suivant', previousYear: 'année précédente', nextYear: 'année suivante', }) }), } </script>