A utillity component to wrap around components that may or may not throw and error or reject a promise. Provides you with some logic to handle those errors.
Default Example
<template> <VTry> <template #default="error"> <ThisWillThrow /> <div v-if="error"> There was an error in the component: <pre>{{ error }}</pre> </div> </template> </VTry> </template> <script> export default { components: { ThisWillThrow: { template: '<button @click="onClick">Throw</button>', methods: { onClick() { throw new Error('ThisWillThrow...threw...'); } }, } } }; </script>
With Rejected Promise
<template> <VTry> <template #default="error"> <ThisWillReject /> <div v-if="error"> There was an error in the component: <pre>{{ error }}</pre> </div> </template> </VTry> </template> <script> export default { components: { ThisWillReject: { methods: { onClick() { return Promise.reject(new Error('ThisWillReject...rejected...')); } }, template: '<button @click="onClick">Reject</button>', }, } } </script>
<template> <VTry @catch="onError"> <ThisWillThrow /> Error was logged to the console. </VTry> </template> <script> export default { components: { ThisWillThrow: { render() { throw new Error('ThisWillThrow...threw...'); } } }, methods: { onError(error) { console.log('There was an error in the component:', error); } } }; </script>
Error was logged to the console.
Catch Slot
If you want to only show the error handling template on errors, then the catch slot can simplify the logic.
<template> <VTry> <ThisWillThrow /> <template #catch="error"> <pre>{{ error }}</pre> </template> </VTry> </template> <script> export default { components: { ThisWillThrow: { template: '<button @click="onClick">Throw</button>', methods: { onClick() { throw new Error('ThisWillThrow...threw...'); } }, } } }; </script>